SIMPLE = T / BITPIX = 16 / NAXIS = 2 / NAXIS1 = 796 / NAXIS2 = 520 / BSCALE = 1.0 / BZERO = 0 / JD = 2451759.77383 / Julian Date at beginning of exposure DATE-OBS= 8.02 / MM.DD Local date at previous sunset LMST = 21.30 / HH.MM mean LST at beginning of exposure EXPOSURE= 120.00 / Time in seconds, excluding readout CCD_TEMP= -10.00 / Temperature of CCD OBJECT = meridian / approximately OBSERVER= P.R.McCullough_et_al / SIZE = 5.0x8.0 / Size of image in degrees LATITUDE= 40.11023 / Latitude of the Observing Site LONGITUD= 88.22070 / Longitude (both in degrees) INSTRUME= KAF0400 / Nikon 50mm f 1.4 at 2.0 TELESCOP= Stardial / This is copyrighted material. EMAIL = / If you use it, please email us... URL = / we may justify continuing it. END ݙ qmܯtW]U;8ffb ^Nq۩wwT6fTDD eO*uNqL̹wsTuUUUJffTM6fYfffffffeMMMMMM]ښQ&jfjQ3S:L8˷8㻻mrqݚVaљffb 53.